:Pinkgothic: Absolutely fantastic player, hands-down - and a very resourceful co-GM who comes up with great new ideas and fantastic ways to display information.
:Pinkgothic: Morgrim is an amazingly varied, expressive writer as well as very respectful and mindful of others' characters whenever she has to handle them. This has held true through two settings (Wildcard and Nightchilder) and I can't fathom it ever being different. Awesome woman!
:Pinkgothic: If the Citizens were combined in a single human being, Sirena would famously be its consciousness - that fine stab of guilt when you realise you are in any way prejudiced or have done wrong.
There's a lot of potential here in the friendly sister rivalry, too! Sirena's always cleaning up after Jennifer - what'll Jennifer do without her, and what will Sirena do now that she actually has a meaning beyond being constantly compared to her sister? I know I'm curious.
:Pinkgothic: I'm not sure there are words to adequately describe Jaesan. By some impish stroke of luck, this AI's character depth exceeds that of his creator, Demona - and his multi-facetted motivations are a charm to read about.
:Cerunnos: An amazing writer and roleplayer, she's a ton of fun and quite evil a GM...but we love her for eet!
As a co-GM, she was easy to work with, and we were able to set all kinds of twists into the plot. I'm hoping to get more RP time with her in the future.
:Pinkgothic: Perpetually flustered quasi-altruist with a famously low tolerance for bullshit.
Smiley that best describes her? :/
Favourite line? "Frederick? A threat? HE HAS THE BODY MASS OF A BAGUETTE :/"
Player is one of the best things to ever happen to this RP.
I'd vote a five, but this was originally my character and I think I can only allow myself THAT much narcissm. >.> That being said, discrepancy has done a glorious job in putting her own spin on Elizabeth, and I wouldn't want it any other way!
Amazingly useful in default avatar sims for a cat that can't talk. Doubles as pillow, plushie or hot-water bottle depending on what the situation demands. Also excellent at dropping NPCs' IQ points by a few if you need a cute distraction somewhere.
An invention as good as when a Swiss bloke welded a knife and a screwdriver together!
:Pinkgothic: Tragically misunderstood quasi-hero. With an attitude. A badass muthafucka attitude. You don't want to mess with this guy! He's very fun to cower from.
Smiley that best describes him? >:|
Most famous words burnt in memory? "NAI ITA'A. >:|"
There's a lot of potential here in the friendly sister rivalry, too! Sirena's always cleaning up after Jennifer - what'll Jennifer do without her, and what will Sirena do now that she actually has a meaning beyond being constantly compared to her sister? I know I'm curious.
RP needz moar Sirena! *stabs the player dead*
Wildcard needs more Jaesan! I insist!
I love Elizabeth's practical attitude in nearly any situation, and enjoy how it often makes her a very insightful character.
Many Kudos to Discrepancy for writing her amazingly!
As a co-GM, she was easy to work with, and we were able to set all kinds of twists into the plot. I'm hoping to get more RP time with her in the future.
Smiley that best describes her? :/
Favourite line? "Frederick? A threat? HE HAS THE BODY MASS OF A BAGUETTE :/"
Player is one of the best things to ever happen to this RP.
I'd vote a five, but this was originally my character and I think I can only allow myself THAT much narcissm. >.> That being said, discrepancy has done a glorious job in putting her own spin on Elizabeth, and I wouldn't want it any other way!
Amazingly useful in default avatar sims for a cat that can't talk. Doubles as pillow, plushie or hot-water bottle depending on what the situation demands. Also excellent at dropping NPCs' IQ points by a few if you need a cute distraction somewhere.
An invention as good as when a Swiss bloke welded a knife and a screwdriver together!
Smiley that best describes him? >:|
Most famous words burnt in memory? "NAI ITA'A. >:|"
Yesss. Roleplay needz moar Adrethyrian.