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Starting on the 2nd September 2054, Project Bitscorch kept a 'Deathmap': A map of deaths as they relate to the Wildcard network, both in relation to geographical structures and in relation to infrastructural clustering, prompted by the deaths brought about by the disastrous end of Mer.

Note: The information that Patches and Sirena are still around as Puppets and Byelobog had a similar state for a while (passed on by Tui Aru'ak) is not factored in, largely because Bitscorch focus on the outside-observable phenomenom, and in part simply because in their experiences the families just reject the notion.

Semantic groups

August 2054 Cluster

Geographically, Europe had a high death-density mid-2054, with five of six then-deaths within the nation:

However, as far as network infrastructure goes, these deaths had little in common:

While there are significant ISP network infrastructure overlaps that make the result a mix of both datasets, it's quite clear from a network map that it's not a directed strike, and things look a lot more random from there.

Dehydration deaths

Dehydration deaths aren't attributed to the network, even if they would not have happened without the network trapping the person in question. Instead, they're considered unfortunate accidents and not kept on the map.

Hard disconnects

  • Jimmy Mcgee, Aeonis, London. Whether he was trapped on Wildcard or not is unclear, but he was lost a day into his entrapment to a hard disconnect and was, until the Folsham incident, the primary cause of Bitscorch's advisory not to hard disconnect.
  • Reggie and Rachel Folsham, Canada, Aeonis, were killed by their own family following the mid-2054 death cluster, panicking and doing a hard disconnect. They now serve as a cautionary tale for all other families.

Stray deaths

  • Willis Ambrose, California, Aeonis, having happened by its lonesome ages ago, is considered its own case.
  • Sirena Blades, San Francisco, Monsoon, is similarly filed. It is known that she's still 'alive' on the network.
  • Christopher Leordric, Canada, Monsoon, was another 'legit' network death on the 4th of October.
  • Hakumele passed away because her (delphinian) body could no longer be sustained in its coma; this is (obviously) filed as an offline death. Bitscorch assume she's still 'alive' on the network, but currently have no means to check.


See also: Wildcard:Plot overview


  • 2051-11-05: Jimmy Mcgee1 (in case related to Wildcard)




1 alive on the network, currently unbeknownst to Bitscorch
2 alive on the network, beknownst to Bitscorch
3 was alive on the network until his permadeath on 2053-04-23, beknownst to Bitscorch