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Teo Escarrà

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See also: Teo Escarrà's session history

A Chicago-based Aeonis employee, Teo Escarrà, born on the 30th December 1999 and also known by his screenname Farvadan, used to be a PR manager for the South America department of his company. He used to be quite overeager to become the PR manager of the entire company and worked excitedly toward that goal, until Clarion Vexhall more or less took a baseball bat to that after he butted in on the Wildcard issue, delegating him to Waterkant instead.

In general, Farvadan has issues truly understanding problems unless they come and bite him directly. If someone were to tell him that the company's stock was dropping, he'd not see it as a problem until the consequences were outlined. Despite that shortfall in perception, he's excellent at solving those problems, though his superiors are a touch wary he's a catastrophe waiting to happen: He has a strict policy forbidding misinformation, though he does not count silence about a subject as such.

For a while, he was 'partly retired' - he still had excellent connections to many Aeonis employees, but after Maveney's entrapment seriously hurt his sanity points to the point of causing his wife to divorce him, he effectively withdrew himself (after some urging from Charles Markovik) to a very low-level job within the company. Since then, however, he's back in business.

His avatar is, in spirit of the Aeonis logo, a man-sized Southern Hawker dragonfly, i.e. his dimensions span about two metres wingspan and one metre body length.

His e-mail address is

See also