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Heads-up: Since Dread is dead now, this page is fairly obsolete.

Occasionally, characters have been known to sleep, and, perchance to dream.

By stroke of (bad) luck, they're not always recycling products from a tired mind. Every once in a while, dreaming means being at the whim of the psychic predator that is Dread.

For amusement, each victim has a little 'care-o-meter' to indicate Dread's investment in the character, usually an indicator of how cautiously he will craft his actions around them (rather than how strongly he feels any one emotion toward them), and a little 'Flavour' adjective to tack onto the word 'care'. Please note that 'just care' usually is motivated by his sense of darwinism, i.e. he feels it is just, it doesn't necessarily have to be.

(Newsletters won't be listed here, since this is a far too common phenomenom.)



Dread care-o-meter: [|||__] Flavour: Sadistic.

Frederick is Dread's oldest and most favourite toy, a status he could definitely do without. Dread's relationship with Frederick is violent, manipulative, and perversely sexual - by that I mean aspects of violence are sexualised that should not be, and tend not to be in his other victims. Nutshelled, Frederick gets it as bad as affectionate-Dread ever gets.

Frederick's partly defined himself as Dread's antagonist, refusing to acknowledge any warmth in the demon, despite having ample evidence of his care since #293. The two have firmly ritualised their interactions, with Dread simply having accepted that the boy will never see the light, and instead supplying himself as a reliable supernatural archfiend.

You can assume that the following list isn't anywhere near complete. Assuming nothing gets in the way, Frederick is reliably visited about once a week. Most of it is just never roleplayed.


Dread care-o-meter: [|||||] Flavour: Protective.

Dread's relationship with Israel is vastly different from his usual interactions with people. He's battled his way down to her organic brain with severe effort, by now knowing how to get there with fractional more ease due to experience alone, and he visits her on a nightly basis to fish her out of the vast ocean her nightmares drown her in reliably should he not intervene.


Dread care-o-meter: [_____] Flavour: Lecherous.

Liska has an odd status, firmly on Dread's kill list for her inability to budge an inch despite repeated visits, but thus far spared since she serves as potential blackmail for Sethiss. Additionally, Dread has taken a predatory liking in exploiting her ambiguous feelings toward his attention, right along with the emotional conundrum that comes with it each and every time. Essentially, this is where he often goes if he simply wants to have an uncomplicated round of fun.


Dread care-o-meter: [|||__] Flavour: Admiring.

Elizabeth is one of Dread's most prized protégés, doing most of his usual work for him, pushing herself to her limits without duress - his presence alone is usually enough to tip her into the right direction. He adores her for knowing quite precisely where her limits lie, neither exaggerating them nor understating them and it is through that which she's come to realise his true nature - though it doesn't help her one bit, as she's not found a way to speak about it to anyone. Of course, how could she? 'Dread is an okay guy, really'? It's not like anyone would do anything but consider her insane.

For some reason unbeknownst to anyone (even Elizabeth), he'd deliberately kept his interactions with her pleasant until she approached him for otherwise herself - this being communicated through a highly reluctant Sethiss effectively by accident. Needless to say that despite the bonding immediately after her first visit, it hasn't really helped their friendship any.


Dread care-o-meter: [|||||] Flavour: Parental.

A transgender person trapped on the Wildcard network? Could Dread possibly resist? Of course not.


Dread care-o-meter: [|____] Flavour: Just.

Excepting some initial interaction, Dread stays the fuck away from Nechku, because as much as he can enjoy a fangirl, Nechku's profound lack of normal human fears and her open and unabashed desire to interact with him has made him believe that the best way to indulge the masochist is not to indulge her at all. He also has some ethical issues with her that leave a bit of a sour taste in his mouth - interestingly, that would be mostly the 'supporting the network' part, and less the 'slaver bitch' part. Either way, he refuses to be played - really, it's a bit petulant on his side, he knows he could be having a great time if he let himself.


Dread care-o-meter: [|____] Flavour: Lecherous.

Samanya might never have been bothered by Dread were it not for her interaction with Elizabeth post-Intervention having left her incredulous of Dread's nature. He promptly hunted her down and provided a hands-on demonstration of his abilities to command and utterly demolish her dream.


Dread care-o-meter: [||||_] Flavour: Parental.

Sethiss is probably the perfect example of a 'normal' Dread victim: Stubborn in her set of morals, inching forward ever so slightly into the direction coaxed every session, only to relapse partly but never fully whenever he reminds of his more demonic nature. Over arduously many dreams inflicted, Sethiss has since learnt that she can trust Dread in some regards, though the thought of that certainly leaves a foul taste in her mouth.


Dread care-o-meter: [||___] Flavour: Protective.

Slightly damaged from her youth, having fled into the network as a safety from a real life that doesn't shelter her, Silence was Dread's first protected victim. Over time, he's given her self-worth and nursed her toward a healthier psychological profile, though revealing much hidden cruelty of hers on the way - not that Dread would ever consider that a bad thing.

These days he rarely visits her, letting her remember him as a guardian angel, but more of an abstraction than a true entity, and the dreams featuring him are accordingly surreal, washed out and not rendered in his usual trademark hyperrealism.



Dread care-o-meter: [_____] Flavour: Just.

Given his partly deliberate, partly unintentional sabotage of the Mer sim, Dread found himself questioning what use Corinthian might be to the Citizens, and after some thought decided that he was more liability than help. With that in mind, he set out to kill him, and nothing in the dream the doomed Citizen had did anything to convince him of otherwise. He did, however, promise to tell his best friend (Jeremy/Jerard) about his true feelings for him.


Dread care-o-meter: [|____] Flavour: Just.

Sirena, as a strongly moral character, set out trying to open a dialogue with Dread but was dashed against the rocks almost instantly, terrified out of her mind of what she'd been granted insight into and equating him with the devil as soon as his irredeemably darker nature became apparent. Unable to budge an inch from that mythological picture of him and coming apart from the strain, Dread was quick to mark her a failure - and killed her.

The fact she still exists as a Puppet troubles him, but he hasn't tried to murder her through another Citizen so far, perhaps out of fear that the network might take his more precious toys away from him, seeing as they voiced their distaste for his meddling in #157 (immediately following her death and rebirth as a Puppet) and threatened as much.

Fleeting psychic contacts

Occasionally, Dread tousles with people only fleetingly for a productive purpose:

He also attempted to find (for various reasons):



Dread care-o-meter: [_____] Flavour: Just.

Dread rarely sets out to murder people the instant he meets them - they need to have rather irredeemable features for that to kick in first-session, usually he gives them the benefit of doubt for the first encounter - but Demona definitely slots into that. Knowing this, we never set out to have the following session enter canon... though it worked out surprisingly well and probably could have passed as such with adequate preparation.