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Pinkgothic // author
Pandiamonium // category
Log #448 [Pandiamonium]
2055-03-30 16:26:41 // time
No warnings for this session. Gosh, how boring, eh?
Pinkgothic played: Adrethyrian and Noko
Jim played: Gunther
"Short vesion, li'l mizz angel-wings vos seyin' some verreh serious tings bout 'dot new guy wot wears too much eyeliner und had der pointy vings."

Gunther talks to Frederick about Dread, coming to the conclusion that it is just to let Frederick free to enact whatever vengeance on Dread that he pleases, at least under Jagerkin supervision - not that the Jager is in any way inclined to rescue Dread from his fate.