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Welcome to the Wildcard Classifieds, where you can post requests for characters to be created to play off your characters.


There are no requests for trapped characters at this time.


Grief counsellor
requested by Kor
A grief counsellor for Jen to talk to so she can have on-screen interactions with adults. So far no traits have been mentioned.
requested by Kor
A lawyer for Liz B to help her get reinstated. She had a female lawyer she was talking to but is planning on searching out a different one, probably male.
District Attorney
requested by Kor
The DA who has been sexually harassing Liz B. He's the kind of guy who thinks that lesbian means "hasn't met the right guy yet". He's been butting heads with Liz since she joined over her supposed bias "tainting evidence", alternating with hitting on her. She's punched him at least once.
requested by Kor
Reporters working for World Times.