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Kraiaky is a default-avatared sim on Stacksmash.


The Kraiaky universe is about as complex as the one of Planetshine, though most worlds will never crop up in a reasonable play-through of the sim. Instead, there are a few important places:


Kan's cherished domain. His fairly strict non-interventionist policy has created a stable world dominated by one sapient species that he is quite fond of simply watching develop. Where Lossos today finds itself stalling, his planet is rapidly catching up in regards to technology, despite him having donated no Threadwielder technology to any native species. He's never had to worry about warring against another Threadwielder on planet soil, though, thus wasn't exactly compelled to, either.

Lossos (Nyaqenalosa)

A large, warm planet claimed by the Threadwielders Qara and the late Telenne. It is home to dinosaurian species siphoned onto the planet several thousand years ago by local time measure. They have some of the most advanced technologies, including teleportation capabilities, 'subspace' travel, and rumoured to possess (non-Thread) time-travel under strict supervision. Some of that technology - communicating with natural Threadore - was donated by Telenne and Qara during the prime of their feud.

The name 'Lossos' stems from its ancient tongue name 'Nyaqenalosa' ("world of those of sapient scale", in context effectively oft-translated as "dinosaur planet" by Kan), shorted to 'losa' ("world"), etymologically drifting over the ages.


The destroyed home of the Threadwielders, now a place of hideously damaged space-time.


Far from the other relevant worlds liles Varqanur, an ancient Threadwielder biological and cultural experiment left to its own accord. Its dominant culture is an almost monk-like, highly religious dragon society. The planet is unfortunately more arid than not, with most of its water sub-terran.



Dinosaurs. Well, dinosaurian descendants, really, but they haven't changed enough to be unrecognisable. Note that only a few of them are actually sapient, however:

Adareta (Deinodon)

Selected therapods, the Adareta (as they are known by their enemies) are a collection of sapient species also known by their 'terran' name Deinodon. They're effectively considered a violent faction of terrorists and are nearly extinct on their homeworld, due to being methodically hunted by the Yiria. It is rare that they're killed by the Yiria directly, other than by accidental fatal wounding in combat. Instead, usually, they commit suicide before they can be detained.

They have a spartan society that lies somewhere between democracy and anarchy, necessitated by their low numbers and the inability for them to truly gather. They're heavily reliant on cryptographic technology to stay in touch with each other and live in constant fear of their protocols being broken.

Yiria (Styracokardia)

Largely consisting of orithopod oligarchs ruling over biologically less intelligent ceratopians, the Yiria (as they are known by their enemies) are the dominant culture on Lossos. They live peacefully, and most of the current generation knows of the Adareta only from tales. It takes actual curiosity to even find out that they still exist, if only partly - and the usual reaction to that realisation is a predictable abject terror.

The culture exists under protection of an executive monarchy, i.e. effectively a military dictatorship run by Qara's nemesis, Ethradat, though without the terran drawbacks. Legislative and judicial power rests entirely within democratic structures and, unusually, Ethradat has never tried to seize these structures - though perhaps that is simply because the programming Telenne left her with doesn't allow her to.


Effectively immortal meta-physical beings, 'Threadwielders' are the source of the common language and the sapience of many other species. Most of them are obsessed with molding whole cultures to their knowledge given the downfall of their own. They're not directly powerful, though they have a technology that has given them their name - an ability to knit the fabric of space time with the aid of so-called Threads, literally meta-physical constructs.

None of the surviving Threadwielders know how to create Threads, however, so the supply is greatly diminished.

Threadwielders have no physical bodies in the standard sense, but as they need to be within the spacetime of universe for stable interaction with anything, they tend to take on a host body from which they excise any original consciousness that might have existed (but they often simply create one 'from scratch' instead (through fetal nurture and manipulation, not through creating an adult body out of thin air)). The destruction of their physical bodies usually does not kill the Threadwielder.

Threadwielders are genderless, but nonetheless reproduce sexually. It rarely happens - they have no drive to procreate and their quasi-immortality has indoctrinated them with hesitance in that regard, seeing as one more of them inevitably means another quasi-immortal life. They've never quite been able to shake that despite their low numbers these days.


Kraiaky - Qara.png

Single survivor of once two Lossosian Threadwielders. Qara and Telenne settled on Lossos, setting up a new world for the creatures dominant on Earth prior to a meteorite catastrophe Kan refused to intervene with - dinosaurs. Subtly differing ideologies ultimately made the two resulting cultures fundamentally incompatible and drew Qara and Telenne into warfare. The feud peaked in Telenne's creation of a creature capable of Threadwielder destruction - a spider-like monstrosity called Ethradat - unfortunately, Telenne fell prey to it herself. Qara has now spent decades evading the destructive creature, staying out of a strong ideological sense of responsibility toward the now heavily endangered culture she nurtured into existence. She's notoriously low on Thread.

Qara's body is a shapeshifter, though she often takes on a mythological conglomerate form signifying her ultimate goal: Peace between the feuding species. By proxy, she meshes traits from both cultures.


Kraiaky - Atoran.png

Responsible for the demise of the Threadwielder culture, Atoran is fundamentally a cynical loner who abstains from the use of any Threads he may still possess, given than the last time he touched one he caused an entire star to implode along with a large chunk of its solar system. As irony would have it, he's nonetheless considered one of the most skilled in the art. One should not mistake his reluctance to use Threads as outright fear, however - he can and will put them to use if threatened with appropriate force. In that, he seems to have a callous disregard for life - the result of hardening his emotions to possible future disaster.

Once a lover of Qara's, his current physical avatar is a Ceratosaurus. Depending on level of formality, he thus either introduces himself as Ceratoran or Ceratoraptorius - the name that the people of Lossos have given him. He feels it's at least as accurate as 'Atoran' would be, and while he's quite happy to part with the identity of a world-destroyer, goes to no lengths at all to conceal his past.

Atoran lives on Varqanur, a planet that used to be a long-distance experiment of the Threadwielders and bears a dragon culture.


Kraiaky - Kan.png

The Threadwielder of Earth, Kan disregards Lossosian antics, feeling them the result of misguided, unnecessary romance on many levels, and refuses to participate, but cracks down with a vengeance if any of their 'drama' is brought to his world. In the past, before the planet broke into perpetual warfare, he partook in it as a sport and/or prank, crafting some mythology for it by introducing 'demons' - they're so rare as to have no effect on anything these days anymore, though.

He quite happily currently resides in a human avatar, though he's notorious as a deity on Lossos with the symbol of a gecko. Understandably, he's considered the lord of the mammals, something that has almost exclusively negative connotations on Lossos. Kan, naturally, would beg to differ.

Kan holds no love in his heart for either Atoran, whom he loathes for the destruction wrought, nor for Qara, who's "naive, whiny attitude" he can't quite bring himself to bear. He's threatened both of them before, but largely maintains that as long as his territory isn't breached, he will not aggress them.


Other Threadwielders exist. In the interest of keeping the peace, a one Threadwielder per planet policy exists - Lossos is, these days, considered a good example of why you shouldn't put two in the same space.


No one has entered the network through Kraiaky yet.

Name knowledge

No one knows the name of the sim yet.


What links in an out of Kraiaky is not currently known.