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Caine Ahlgren

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See also: Justin Greyhound's session history

Caine Ahlgren is referred to by most people he actually interacts with by his chosen name Justin Greyhound. He's a proud Arcan and lives with Rayen Heffernan, his father's primary relationship, whom he refers to as 'mum' despite having no blood relation to her. He is not in touch with his 'real' mother at all.

He's the de-facto leader of Project Bitscorch and does the most for the project, hands down. That being said, his contributions are chiefly non-technical, as he's not a computer scientist.

He doesn't go online often; really chiefly for Bitscorch and occasional business contacts.

He's aiming to be a diplomat, hoping somewhat naively that he might be able to step into his father's footsteps in that regard. For some reason he has an emotional disconnect between that stated goal and the notion of being Archon of Dark Arcadia, something he absolutely does not want. He does offer freelance arbitration services at the moment, though.


Familial and recreational

Justin's relationship with his father, Francisco Ahlgren, is a slightly laboured one. He adores his father and considers him a role model, but is perpetually frustrated by just how little they get to see each other. In that, he can be said to have a near permanent platonic heartache.

He's got a far healthier relation to his father's primary girlfriend, Rayen Heffernan, whom he's never perceived as anything other than his true mother, despite lack of biological relation. He lives together with her in an apartment in Phoenisse, where he takes care of most of the household. If food needs to be made, it's usually him preparing it.

The person closest to his heart, however, is Paul Greyhound (a/k/a Samuel Delgado), his blood brother. While there are a few years of age difference between them, Paul picked Greyhound as his surname to express just how close the two are. Prior to Paul's entrapment, Justin and Paul spent as much time together as circumstances allowed.

He has yet to form any romantic interests.

Professional and formal

Prior to Dread's entrapment, Justin had a very good impersonal relationship with Dread, trying to make his life as far as Project Bitscorch went as easy for him as possible and only bothering him when necessary - or when his spidey sense intuition told him that the psychic was bored and needed a challenge.

He has reasonably good connections to Charles Markovik that one might call excellent, except that they do not much like each other outside of Project Bitscorch. Despite this, they'd probably save each others' lives in a heartbeat. They just don't hang out, knowing they'd grate on each other in a hurry if they did.


Justin is nervous around non-Arcan strangers, used to being burnt somewhere along the lines by differing political stances or outright prejudice. He spent a good chunk of his life using proxies the few times he went online, and is trying to wean himself off that, hoping that maybe people will react with less vitriol if he doesn't try to hide his nationality.

That being said, he doesn't bring his nationality up unless asked, and in some cases will - though it hurts his desire to be honest - lie about it when instructed by third parties to do so, like in the case of Bitscorch, where he's been asked not to bring his Arcan nationality up under any circumstances. He is, however, allowed to confirm it if accused of it.


Justin looks fairly Aryan, even though his medium-length blond hair is fairly dark for its alleged hue, and his blue eyes are mottled with a dark navy. He's often dressed formally, though not by 'choice' - he prefers looking as casual as possible, but his wariness of people tends to get the better of him.


Justin's primary e-mail address is pax.pangora@caligo.darc, though he typically interacts with people trying to contact Project Bitscorch using Similarly, he usually wears his human avatar online, though his default is quite a sight to behold:

Pangora is ridiculously large for a pangolin (scaley anteater), so much so that she is often mistaken for a small wing-less dragon.

Scales reflective silver in colour, the association with more mythical beasts is not surprising. Apart from the last fifth of her tail being a deep midnight black, scales considerably sharper and more glossy than the rest of her armoured body, there is only one lone scale that does not act as a mirror: just above her left shoulder lies a scale that grows into the same black of her tailtip from a fiercely magenta base - quiet tribute to Justin's country of residence.

Her eyes are a clear blue, eerie in their flawlessly sapphire colour. Her main trait of note is agility - as with real pangolins, the armour barely restricts movement, and instead turns motions into a strange grace, describing a perfect curve.

The very tip of Pangora's tail is claimed to be poisonous (by Pangora), but since she never wields in with malice, it's hard to say. It would, of course, only be relevant in environments that allowed such avatar tricks.

As with Paul's Dunestrider persona, Pangora has vicious teeth and her foreclaws are considerably sharper than those of your average pangolin, especially if projected to the size she has. Even superficial inspection quickly reveals that Pangora and Dunestrider are both the result of Justin and Paul bouncing ideas off each other.