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DemonWorks, Halloween (non-canon).png
pinkgothic's not-quite-canon interpretation of DemonWorks' 'Halloween' decoration from Log #132.

Demona's virtual company headquarters.


DemonWorks is located in a cozy downtown district of GlobalCities Marketplace #543. It's located in an instance of Lot Style 4B, decorated to the owner's taste. The front room is an elegant storefront, with marble floors and a large, antique-clone reception desk made of mahogany with a marble countertop. The desk is perhaps four and a half feet tall and ten feet wide, with a cutout "window" the width of a normal desk, much like the reception desk at a bank. Chairs adorn the front room for waiting clients, though there are never many.

The back rooms are where the magic happens. Off the hallway, the doors lead to: the workroom where the proprietor spends her time working on various projects; a supply closet; and a room set aside for more personal payment negotiations.

Halloween Redecoration

For the month of October, 2053, the place was redecorated as follows:

The marble floors were changed to jet black, likely obsidian, the surface polished to being partially reflective and smooth as glass (though coded so it can be walked on with ease); the desk was replaced with a large, ornate, stone coffin, as might be found inside a long-hidden tomb. The walls of the room were made bone-white, with whispy grey spiderwebs covering most of them; over the door heading into the hallway was a large sculpted spider bearing a crimson hourglass improperly placed on the topside of the abdomen so it can be seen readily. The place was also colder than normal; a pre-progammed effect sends a chill down the spine of new visitors, which was made more realistic by the virtual thermostat being set just below comfortable.


DemonWorks was founded in 2050 by Jennifer Blades, aka "Demona". It originally did not have a "physical" web presence, but Jennifer felt after the first few jobs that meeting in coffee houses was too unprofessional to continue, and began renting space on the GlobalCities server.

Recently, DemonWorks has been having a number of complaints that their popular AI-upgrading service is making the half-completed AIs "too realistic" - including adding sexual urges, more realistic emotional reactions, and lessening loyalties to the owner. The proprietor has yet to make an official comment on the situation at the behest of her secretary.


The staff has grown from the original one-woman business to a full-time staff of three, with one part-timer. Jennifer has two AIs who aid her and maintain the storefront while she is not on the premises; furthermore, part-time, her sister Sirena aids in negotiating with more difficult customers. All of the staff other than the proprietor work on a volunteer basis.


Newsletters and recaps

