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See also: Azur's session history

Azur is a Puppet in Mer.

He is a Dark Water based ecomancer, which means that he takes his ecomantic power from the cursed substance. This has a benefit: He can free himself out of it in almost any situation involving it. It also has a severe downside: He might as well be a normal-to-frail human being all other times.

Azur is a jarring drop of realism in a world trying to paint itself black and white, himself bitterly amused at some of the ironies of Mer, such as that Dark Water is also the most excellent possible painkiller.

His backstory involves his birth on Andorus and flight from it after being born to two very capable ecomancer parents caused his family and friends to expect similar miracles from him, then crashing his ship on the shore of a Dark Water cult's island and finding about his connection by chance ( being fed to it and battling his way out by instinct and reflex alone). The ship crash has left him wary of his own steering skills to the point where he outright refuses to man a ship on his own and is uneasy doing anything more than basic navigational instructions on one with crew.

He spent most of his worthwhile life (post-crash and post getting-the-fuck-out-of the aforementioned cult) as a medic and alchemist, and is probably the single most knowledgable source on Dark Water as a substance and biological entity.

(He also acts like he's 16 even though he's about ten years older, ughn.)

Azur's hair is shoulder-length, thin and brittle, accordingly not as smooth as it could be, catching itself into knots easily. Its colour is various shades of brown, streaked erratically with a paler shade of almost outright grey, somewhat straw-like. His skin has a coppery tan atop a fair complexion (arranged in a farmer's tan). His eyes are a fusion of grey and green and the high parts of his cheeks have a light spatter of freckles. His lips barely stand out in colour.

For much of the journey with the Citizens, he wore a black cloak with a hood, but having to swim through the water after losing their first ship to the Delpha crustaceans caused the heavy garment to be left behind (though he seems to miss it). He now just tends to wear a plain pair of dark brown trousers and a similarly unexciting black shirt. Depending on weather and circumstance, he either wears combat-style boots or simply meanders around barefoot.

As far as build goes, he's a bit more than a common hand's width shorter than average, though neither thin nor fat by any definition. He's also not exactly the fittest, which means that running for extended periods is a total no-go, but sprinting and climbing he can do - latter especially, perhaps due to his history on Andorus, living with trees.