(1 votes)


last session |
activity |
30% [158/516] // from 2010-04-18 19:08:05 until 2013-04-20 19:40:08
characters |
last edited |
Lucy Taren // Kaliya
// 2011-10-22 23:05:01
npcs |
non-simboundThylis[15], Daniel Fawkes[4], CCP staff[2], David Morant[2], Arcan water police[1], CCP dolphins[1], CCP intern[1], Kahana[1], Sandra Mina[1], Tui Aru'ak[1], Wild dolphins[1], Zoey Rios[1], Tiberious (ship)[1] icarusGliss[6], Dyad[4], Atrixen[2], Gliss' suran[2], Icarii expeditioners[2], Kei[2], Mesoe[2], Sandal[2], Horncling[1], Icarii Tailors[1], Shrishkin[1] chimeraTahnee[5], Chorrol[2], Lucern[2], Tabaqui[2], Tallulah[2], Tavus[2], Alshain[1], Angwe[1], Atris[1], Farah[1], Lowgal[1], Lycia[1], Mafic's dragonets[1], Masec[1], Myrrn[1], Rache[1], Rache's hellhounds[1], Rahjin gatherers[1], Sarabi[1], Spiderling[1], Striders[1], Teilayh[1], various Rahjin[1] |
contact info |
This user hasn't supplied a means of contacting them. |
2011-08-09 20:58:32
Morgrim is an amazingly varied, expressive writer as well as very respectful and mindful of others' characters whenever she has to handle them. This has held true through two settings (Wildcard and Nightchilder) and I can't fathom it ever being different. Awesome woman!