Personal tools
From Wildcard
- MekkaByte: human
- Sirena: angel
- Amithia: human
- Mandalore: human
- Jaenelle: human
- Mirinda: human
- Paul: anteater
- Vector: human
- Gunther: jagerkin
- Jess: fae
- Shrisa: dhamphir
- Samanya: dragon
- Joukahainen: human
- Lenny: human
Too Large
- Frederick: raptor
- Adrethyrian: baryonix
- Hakumele: cliffracer
Too Small
- Liz: miniature dragoness
- Patches: cat
- Liska: dragonfly
- Israel: osprey
- Sethiss: monitor
Portal Clearance
Atelier, Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia, Scheol
- Adrethyrian: Atelier, Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia
- Amithia: Atelier, Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia
- Ephraim: Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia
- Frederick: Atelier, Cerrado, Tlaloc
- Gunther: Atelier, Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia
- Hakumele: Atelier, Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia
- Israel: Atelier, Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia
- Jaenelle: Atelier, Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia
- Jess: Atelier, Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia
- Joukahainen: Atelier, Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia
- Leonard: Atelier, Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia
- Liska: Atelier, Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia
- Liz: Atelier, Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia
- Lucy: Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia
- Mandalore: Atelier, Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia
- MekkaByte: Atelier, Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia
- Mirinda: Atelier, Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia
- Nymphaea:
- Patches: Atelier, Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia
- Paul: Atelier, Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia
- Samanya: Atelier, Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia
- Sethiss: Farah's mark, Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia
- Shrisa: Atelier, Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia
- Sirena: Atelier, Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia
- Thylis: Atelier, Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia, Scheol
- Vector: Atelier, Cerrado, Tlaloc, Echoh, Ignia
Tlaloc Ambush
- Captured
- Rapture
- MekkaByte
- Patches
- Sirena
- Amithia
- Mandalore
- Sethiss
- Adrethyrian
- Jouka
- Lenny
- Miridia
- Dunestrider
- Vector
- Gunther
- Jess
- Shrisa
- Samanya
- Kaliya
- Escaped
- Liska (first to rejoin the group; effectively never properly gone in the first place, was overlooked and continues to be overlooked by the Rahjin)
- Israel (brought Adrethyrian's sunstone with her when she rejoined (2054-12-29))
- Hakumele (found and brought back by Israel (2054-12-30))
- Jaesan (returned 2054-12-31; group left the settlement after Jaesan returned)