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Pinkgothic // author
Eclipsed // category
2010-04-24 21:10:00 // time
After Sable's outburst, Sirena ended up heading from the control room to the gate and dispelled the evidently dominant opinion that Frederick should not be let in. Of course that 'swayed' Adrian's opinion, though Sable was less easy to persuade, and instead stormed off. Adrian and Sirena sought a way to open the door, and let Frederick in. He tried to convince them to leave it open, that Adrethyrian was merely concerned for the world, that the pyramid would do something horrible (though he admitted to not knowing what, despite revealing that he'd learnt some of the Demon God's language), but of course it was closed once more.

With Frederick's semi-hesitant help (being of the opinion that they should help this civilisation with their sunstone problem, and having to be forcibly reminded that they are "only Puppets" and that the sim was likely to reset after they left, anyway), they were able to decipher some just enough of the words that scrolled by to come to understand that the pyramid was set up as a contraption to destroy the obstruction of the sun in of the sky.

Needless to say, they triggered it. At first it seemed like that may not have triggered the end of the simulation, but they found a room further up in the pyramid, previously empty - and unlit - freshly contained a floating blue orb, which they used to link out.