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Pinkgothic // author
Darkscape // category
2053-03-11 04:22:50 // time
Byelobog. Joshua, Joshua, Joshua. Some foreign surname.


But we're not preying right now. Why is he here? Why is HE here? Stalking us, is he? Thinks he can get away with that, does he? Not if I find him before he finds what he's after. Whatever he's after. It can't be good, it can't be, because he knows how we work. How we tick. Has he left backdoors in place?

Byelobog, personal apocalypse, come to exile us from Eden.

Why else would he be here but to take us down?

I'll get to you first. You may have CR-3X wrapped around a finger, but that's okay. His cooperation is secondary. He'll thank me later. You're a manipulative parasite - and I'm the one that will flush you out.
