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Kor // author
Mer // category
2054-05-01 17:19:24 // time
It had never bothered her, seeing her parents naked. Judging by her friend Elizabeth's reaction when she casually mentioned nudity, according to the norms of society around her, it should - but it was just part of the package. Finish her homeschooling, have a snack (containing, of course, of only raw foods, with the occasional treat of whole-grain homemade baked goods sweetened with honey so she didn't have to face the perils of refined sugar), then attend the Sabbat like a good little Witch.

The High Priestess and the High Priest would anoint each other's naked bodies, perform the FiveFold Kiss, then adjourn to a more secluded glen to bless the land with the holy fertility rites. Topaz wasn't quite sure why they had to do that part in seclusion; after all, the nakedness they kept insisting was wholly natural and pure - wouldn't the sex be no less pure and holy than the nudity?

Oh well. It didn't matter. Together with her "aunts" and "uncles", the members of her coven, Topaz would build up a bonfire - this was a Fire Festival after all - and then the real fun would begin. A maypole would be erected in the dying light of the summer's day - even as a child, Topaz had loved the bright ribbons and the dancing, while Uncle Rainbeam played his flute (unable to dance since his car accident) and Aunty Ravenwing would keep time on her tamborine (blind, she 'preferred not to get all tangled up in that ribbon nonsense, thanks'). This was the Coven in all its glory - alone, safe from the prying eyes of outsiders, surrounded by nature, wearing only simple robes or often nothing at all, revelling in the purity of nature without sufferng the ill effects of the outside world. If only every day could be like this...

Topaz had never encountered the word "Eden" in her sheltered, anti-Christian schooling. But if she had, she would have known exactly what it meant. Eden was here, the Jura mountains, with the only family she'd ever known; an eternal moment of celebration in the woods.