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Hatsune Miku

character belongs to: Kor // [:permanent link:]
played by: Kor
logs & interludes
Log #480 [Jaenelle's apartment] // 2055-05-27 23:22:12
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158 cm
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av. description
Long blue twintails, a youthful face, and a variety of pop-idol outfits.
Outwardly, usually fairly upbeat and positive. She was originally created as an "android diva", but she's separated her true emotions from her stage presence (as most singers do). She plays at being tsundere (hot-and-cold contrary type), but she rarely attempts to cause another person distress. It'd be bad for business.
Real-world information can be found here: http://vocaloid.wikia.com/wiki/Hatsune_Miku
There are no images for this character.