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Echo Holbrook // The Sleeper

character belongs to: Chamomile // [:permanent link:]
played by: Chamomile
logs & interludes
Log #454 [Pandiamonium] // 2055-03-31 18:54:26
Log #449 [Pandiamonium] // 2055-03-30 15:46:38
2025-02-14 // 43
United States of America
A tall figure, she gives a suspicion of fitness underneath her exterior display of pure laziness. Measuring at 6’5”, she is unusually tall, especially compared to her family. Echo’s body is fairly toned, enough where it looks healthy and not aided through alternative methods besides exercise. She is not broad, her body genuinely streamline, though the bulk of clothing she usually wears hides this, as well as her attempts at fitness.

Long black hair flows lazily down her head, often hiding her face, even if it bothers her. It always seems to flow back to its natural state of disheveled-ness, no matter how she tries to style it, in order to give her face a bit of light. When her face isn’t covered by the sea of hair, her emerald hued eyes pierce through, in their laziness.

Echo’s clothing tends to be baggy and not revealing at all. Her favorite and most common get-up would be a dark brown hoodie (with the hood over her head, of course), faded blue jeans, and band tee shirts. Usually found barefoot, she is rarely seen with socks (usually white) and militaristic boots. Also, she has her very worn-out eyeglasses, rectangular wire frame glasses that rarely sit on her nose right.
Monsoon [North America]
avatar gender
avatar size
Tall: 7'0"
avatar species
Cybernetic Zombie
av. description
The Sleeper can be described simply as Frankenstein meets the Jetsons. Gray toned flesh is knitted mostly over the very tall skeleton of pneumatics, gears, wires, and all sorts of technological guts. The entire right leg lacks the skin, likewise with the upper section of the left arm, revealing the internal components shelled in a durable and transparent material. The Sleeper’s face is mostly hidden by what looks to be a VR headset, covering her eyes as well as her ears, though her nose and lips are revealed, as well as her hair, which resemble dark violet tendrils from a futuristic tabletop role-play game.
A very laid-back and easy going person, Echo is one to watch and listen as she fights to stay awake. When awake, she is usually observing others, keeping herself out of the spotlight. It isn’t that she’s a loner, but she dislikes being in the spotlight. Suffering from Anthropophobia, Echo is never around people closely, though she will interact with them through other means, enjoying the connection that has no physical interaction at all.
Not meant to be a willing fighter.
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